BandiRose Cavies is located in Bangor, Maine, U.S.A.

Thank you for visiting the BandiRose Cavies website. My cavy breeding program came to an end in 2010 when the last of my BandiRose teddies died from natural causes. I want to extend a heartfelt Thank You to my good friends and acquaintances in the hobby who helped make my years of showing and breeding cavies some of the most fun of my life!

The BandiRose Cavies website is still live, and I still hope to use it to catalog photos of the varieties of teddies that I raised. Feel free to look around!

In 2008 I started redirecting my critter-raising hobby to chinchillas. You can see my Chickadee Chinchillas website at My e-mail is still I love hearing from other critter-loving folks, so please don't hesitate to drop me a line!